L'Agenda du libre du Québec

Free software, free knowledge, free culture, free hardware, etc.

Montreal Atelier de niveau avancé sur Arduino avec Massimo Banzi (en anglais)

On Thursday 29 September 2016 from 13h00 to 16h00.

Milieux Institute de l'Université Concordia, 1515, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, Montréal

Cet atelier se déroulera uniquement en anglais. Inscription obligatoire: https://goo.gl/forms/OJDawn5XLsDkGwpg1

Massimo Banzi, concepteur d'interactions et cofondateur du projet Arduino, sera l'invité du Milieux Institute de l'Université Concordia le 29 septembre de 13h à 16h. Monsieur Massimo donnera lui-même l'atelier sur les microcontrôleurs Arduino. L'atelier sera donné au centre de recherche Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG), soit au local 11.435 du Pavillon EV de l'Université Concordia (1515, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest).

We are extremely thrilled to announce that Massimo Banzi, interaction designer and co-founder of the Arduino Project, will be our guest at the Milieux Institute at Concordia University in Montreal on September 29th from 1-4pm at the Technoculture, Art and Games research Centre (TAG) in EV 11.435.

As part of his visit, Massimo will lead a hands-on Arduino workshop for makers and other folks with previous experience working with Arduino microcontrollers in any field. Participants are welcome from anywhere in Concordia, Montreal and nearby. All faculty, staff, students, community makers, artists, tinkerers, technicians, educators and arduino keeners are more than welcome to apply to join us for this rare opportunity to talk shop with one of the folks that helped build it all (arduino platforms, open-source culture, the maker movement…).

Space for this workshop is limited so if you are interested you must apply to be a participant using the following form – https://goo.gl/forms/OJDawn5XLsDkGwpg1

All participants will be expected to bring their own notebook computers/arduino tech plus some show and tell projects that you wish to share with Massimo and the group.

