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Montréal Parenscript Common Lisp to JavaScript compiler presentation by Vladimir Sedach

Le jeudi 19 janvier 2012 de 19h00 à 21h00.

Local 3195, Pavillon Andre-Aisenstadt, 2920, chemin de la tour, Montréal, Montréal

The Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group is organizing a presentation by Vladimir Sedach on his Parenscript Common Lisp to JavaScript compiler - what makes Parenscript different from other X-to-JS compilers, the techniques used to implement Common Lisp features in JS, special use cases supported by Parenscript's approach, Parenscript integration with Emacs/SLIME, and future development directions.

The meeting is organized by the MSLUG.  For more information on the MSLUG and to sign up, please visit http://www.meetup.com/Montreal-Scheme-Lisp-Users-Group


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Marc Feeley