Montréal TA3M March - The LEAP project: secure communication tools for everyone
On Monday 17 March 2014 from 18h00 to 20h00.
Station-C 5605 Avenue de Gaspé #204 H2T 3C5, Montréal, Montréal
Like free speech, the right to whisper is a necessary precondition for a free society. Without it, civil society and political freedom become impossible. As the importance of digital communication for civic participation increases, so does the importance of the ability to digitally whisper.
This Monday, March 17th, come hear Micah talk about the LEAP project ( a non-profit dedicated to giving all Internet users access to secure end-to-end communication tools that are both reliable, easy to use and widely available. Learn and inquire about why they are doing it, the challenges and the current state of their VPN and email services.
Some media on the project:
- Website
- Contact